PAN Supported Housing

We understand the importance of stability, especially where other support needs are present.


Therefore, as resources allow, for clients who meet our below criteria, we offer a place on our waiting list for CQC monitored supported housing.


We have both shared and self-contained units in several London boroughs.


Due to the complexities of supported housing, we assess applicants on a case-by-case basis. However, our general criteria to join the waiting list for our supported housing and, where relevant, our CQC approved living services is as follows:


  1. Age between 16 and 65 years
  2. Eligible for enhanced benefits
  3. Low to medium needs
  4. Fall into one of our client categories:
  • prison releases
  • ex-offenders
  • struggling families (including but not exclusively those with low to medium mental health, physical health, and learning difficulty needs, those at risk of offending activities, and care leavers)